Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Manzoor Hussain Santo Khan Qawwal & Party - Live in England 1985 - Vol. 5


Unknown said...

do you have Abdul Rahim Mohammad Ali Faridi Qawwal Vol.1 audio cassette released by OSA in 1984?

Tawfiq said...

Unfortunately not, nor any other volume. I'm myself looking for these for a long time and I hoped they might show up on your wonderful You Tube channel. Do you have any of his other volumes?

Tawfiq said...

Dear Sayyan, I contacted Oriental Star Agencies and the cassettes are really no longer available (though they are still mentioned on their website), but the video cassettes can still be ordered (apparently same material as on the cassettes). They offer also to transfer the video cassette to DVD.

ash said...

pure gold collection, wonderful job friends sharing these, lagate raho, thx a lot, cheers :)